On 54th anniversary of burning of Al-Aqsa .. Warnings of continuing danger to mosque

With the advent of the 54th anniversary of the Zionist enemy’s crime of burning the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque in 1969 AD, whose flames are still burning to the day.. Palestinian institutions and personalities continue to warn of the imminent Zionist danger besieging the mosque in light of the continued attacks ,violations in its courtyards , the enemy’s attempt to control , divide it and planning to build his alleged structure.

On August 21, 1969, the Zionist, Michael Dennis Rohan, burned al-Qibli prayer hall of the mosque, and the platform of the victorious leader Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi, and left a scar on the body of the nation that cannot be healed except by liberating the Isra of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and the first of the two qiblis return of the right to the right holders.

This painful memory passes this year, in conjunction with the intensification of the dangers threatening the mosque, and in light of the borrowing of the attempts of the Zionist enemy government led by the criminal Netanyahu and the terrorists Ben Gvir and Smotrich, to complete the projects of replacement and Judaization, taking advantage of the flabby state of the Arab normalization regimes, along with American and Western support. Unlimited for projects that target the Judaization of Jerusalem, its mosque, its people, its history and heritage.

The beginning was when the terrorist Australian Jew, “Michael Dennis”, intentionally set fire to the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, the first qiblah for Muslims and the place of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, which devoured important parts of it after its liberation, but he died before that and Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi put it, which is considered a symbol of liberation and victory over the Crusaders.

According to media reports, the fire caused great damage to the building of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, its columns, arches, and ancient decoration. The roof of the mosque fell to the ground as a result of the burning, and two main columns fell along with the arch supporting the dome. Parts of the decorated inner dome, the mihrab, and the southern walls were also damaged, and 48 windows were shattered. The mosque was made of gypsum and stained glass, carpets and many decorations and Quranic verses were burned.

In this regard, the preacher of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, Sheikh Ikrima Sabri, held the Zionist enemy fully responsible for this crime that it committed against Al-Aqsa 54 years ago.

In a statement reported by the “Palestine Today” agency, Sheikh Sabri confirmed that the “fires” still affect Al-Aqsa today, but in different forms. Among them are the continuous intrusions into its courtyards , their permissibility with weapons, shooting at Jerusalemites , worshipers, and excavations at its bottom aimed at destroying its foundations, removing citizens , stationed from the mosque and occupied Al-Quds.

Sheikh Sabri addressed the Arab and Islamic world on the anniversary of the ill-fated fire, with the need to support the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.

He stressed that the fires are still burning and continue against it in a multiple way until this day.

Palestinians remember the day of the burning blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque every year by holding events and festivals that confirm their adherence to the mosque, the city of Al-Quds, and all Islamic and Christian sanctities in it.

The Islamic Jihad Movement, in a statement affirmed that Al-Aqsa as it is for all of Palestine is a pure right for Muslims in all parts of the earth, it does not accept division or Judaization, and there is no place in it for intruders who have no history on this holy land.

The movement stressed, according to the “Palestine Today” agency, that the liberation of Al-Aqsa Mosque is not the task of the Palestinian people alone.

The movement called on international , human rights institutions ,and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to carry out their duties and assume their responsibilities in supporting the right of the Palestinian people to protect the Arab Islamic identity of Al-Quds, preserve its heritage, and preserve the sanctity of all holy places that are subject to change and forgery.

The Islamic Resistance Movement “Hamas” and in the words of its leader, Ismail Radwan, confirmed on the anniversary that Al-Aqsa Mosque is in danger and Al-Quds is in danger.

It warned of the Zionist Talmudic plans for the temporal and spatial division of worship leading to the destruction of Al-Aqsa Mosque and the construction of the alleged Solomon’s Temple on its ruins.

Radwan held the Zionist enemy fully responsible for the repercussions of his crimes against Al-Aqsa Mosque and its pricing of a religious war in the region.. stressing that the movement will not allow the enemy to change the facts inside Al-Aqsa Mosque, whatever the cost.

In turn, the Chief Justice of Palestine, Advisor to the President for Religious Affairs and Islamic Relations, Mahmoud al-Habash, said in a statement : The threats and dangers facing the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque still exist, and warn of dire consequences in light of the religious war waged by the occupying state against our Palestinian people ,their land, and all its sanctities.

He called on Arabs and Muslims to carry out their religious, moral and historical duty to protect and save the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque from the clutches of the Zionist enemy, and its attempts to obliterate its identity and invent a Zionist Judaizing reality on the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.

It is noteworthy that the burnt area of Al-Aqsa Mosque amounted to more than a third of its total area (more than 1,500 square meters out of 4,400 square meters), and the fire caused great damage to the building of the mosque, its columns, arches, and old decoration, which led to the fall of its roof and two main columns with the stone arch. The big bearer of the dome.

Despite the passage of 54 years since the crime, the fire is still burning inside Al-Aqsa Mosque, with the escalation of Zionist attacks in an unprecedented way, in terms of the high frequency of incursions, imposing Talmudic prayers, excavations and Judaization, targeting worshipers and stationed by arrest and deportation, and attempts to extend full control him and impose a plan to divide it.

And the Zionist religious war raging against Al-Aqsa has come to affect all components of the mosque, in order to resolve the conflict with the Palestinians through the Zionist enemy’s complete control over the occupied city of Al-Quds and its blessed mosque.

It is worth noting that during the current year 2023, the number of Zionist settlers storming Al-Aqsa and performing collective and public Talmudic prayers in its courtyards increased, with the participation of ministers, Knesset members, senior rabbis and officials of extremist groups, with the full cover and support of the far-right government.

Source: Yemen News Agency