Officials from the leadership of the Ministry of Interior (MOI) confirmed that the Qatar Police Academy had assumed a prominent place among its counterparts until it had become a distinct security edifice that everyone who belongs to is proud of, as since its establishing until now, it has proven its superiority, leadership, and distinction in preparing police officers who have obtained the best military and sports training, and have been provided with police and legal sciences, and have become distinguishably qualified and able to work efficiently and competently, which represents a genuine addition to the security work.
In their press remarks marking the occasion of graduating the 8th qualifying course for civil officer candidates graduated from civil universities, the officials praised the efforts made by the academy, valuing the keenness of its military cadres and teaching staff to play their natural role in exerting efforts and creating the appropriate atmosphere for attainment and achievement.
For his part, HE Undersecretary of the Minister of Interior Abdullah bin Khalaf bin Hattab Al Kaabi expressed his happiness for the graduation of the 8th qualifying course for civil officer candidates graduated from civil universities, extending his congratulations to the graduates. He pointed out that the MOI puts at the forefront of its priorities the qualification of the human cadre due to its importance in achieving and supporting MOI’s strategic plans aimed at developing and improving performance in all areas of security and service work.
He added that is why the Police College, since its establishment, has set out towards areas of academic excellence and opened new horizons for its students through its targeted programs and attracting university students from various disciplines to invest the knowledge and science they have acquired to serve the security, which indicates the importance of science and the need to adapt it for the benefit of society. There is no doubt that this contributes effectively to the development and improvement of work to keep pace with change and the comprehensive renaissance that our beloved homeland is witnessing.
HE Undersecretary of the Minister of Interior stressed that the graduates of this course are on the threshold of a new phase to work with sincerity and dedication to meet the growing needs of the MOI and what is imposed by its growing need for various disciplines. He wished the graduate officers success in performing the tasks that will be entrusted to them and participating in completing the path of success achieved by the MOI and preserving its sovereignty and leadership, expressing his thanks to the academy officials and all its employees for their great effort and wonderful work in qualifying and preparing its students.
For his part, Advisor to the Minister of Interior Major-General Dr. Abdullah Yousef Al Mal, who also the general supervisor of the Police Academy, said that the Police Academy had assumed great responsibilities to carry out its duties to achieve its goals in providing the community with qualified national competencies, benefiting from the great support it finds from the MOI.
Major-General Dr. Al Mal added that today, a new batch of qualified officers with high academic degrees in various disciplines graduated, young men who have placed educational attainment and harnessing it at the forefront of their interests to serve their nation, given that education is an essential pillar of development. Alongside knowledge and science, the graduates have refined their skills through serious training, which contributed to their military and physical rehabilitation so that they would be fully prepared and ready to perform their job duties.
He indicated that the work at the Police Academy is dominated by the spirit of the group, which earned it a good reputation through which it proved its ability to keep pace with development and develop everything that contributes to qualifying its members according to the highest quality standards, the latest methods, and the best international standards.
On the same occasion, President of the Police Academy Brigadier General Abdul Rahman Majid Al Shaheen Al Sulaiti said that today we celebrate the graduation of a new and distinguished group of our students after they passed all the training and academic requirements, who, during their training, received various and developed programs in the military fields, sports, and distinguished curricula. He pointed out that the academy has pursued a unique path in terms of military training, inspired by the best international experiences in comparable colleges, and innovative systems and programs have been added to it, for example, the development of training skills for course members through the foundational operations course, which included shooting with various types of weapons, and combat in built-up areas.
He added that in addition to the approved curricula in legal, police, general courses, and languages, applied programs have been developed that benefit graduates in their practical lives, such as ‘security applications in artificial intelligence’ and crime scene training. The leadership qualification program also contributed to candidates improving their leadership skills and ability to assume the tasks and responsibilities that will be assigned to them.
Source: Qatar News Agency