Public health insurance to cover more Jordanians

The new amendments to the public health insurance bylaw will allow more Jordanians to access health services, the health minister said Tuesday.

Feras Hawari, the health minister, said the amendments, which the Cabinet passed earlier today, said the amendments will go into effect after being published on the official gazette, adding the amendments seek to realise justice and equality.

Beneficiaries of the public health insurance will now be able to add their children over 18. They will also have the option of paying a monthly subscription of JD5 to add their unemployed male children who are over 25 and a JD10 subscription fee if they are.

The monthly subscription fee for a daughter over 25, however, is JD5 irrespective of her employment status.

Beneficiaries will be also able to add their working or retired spouse for a monthly subscription of JD10, irrespective of whether they have another health insurance or not.

Source: Jordan News Agency

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