President Al-Mashat chairs expanded meeting to promote community participation in planning and service development in Sa’ada

His Excellency Marshal Mahdi Al-Mashat, President of the Supreme Political Council, chaired Thursday’s expanded meeting to promote community participation in planning and service development in Sa’ada province.

President Al-Mashat saluted during the meeting, which included the leadership of the local authority and the executive office, sheikhs and notables in the governorate, the people of Sa’ada governorate, steadfastness and through them to the masses of the Yemeni people, who are preparing to receive the birth of the best of mankind, Muhammad, may God’s prayers be upon him and his good and pure family.

He noted the importance of these occasions to draw inspiration, lessons and a spirit of faith and morality that would help to meet the dangers and challenges of this life.

His Excellency the President pointed out that the governorate of Sa’ada was regarded as the steadfastness, struggle and destination of free people which has contributed through the steadfastness and unity of their people to change the situation at the level of the rest of the provinces.

“Nowadays, the enemy is destabilizing the home front and we have certain information that it is targeting the fortified castles of the Quranic march, the national incubator of the front facing this abhorrent aggression and in the front of Sa’ada.” He said.

President Al-Mashat stressed that the enemy has a plan to raise problems and disagreements, even if the community is disturbed by escalating on military fronts with preoccupation with the internal situation. He said, “This is what the enemy wants, but we say to him never, as long as there are men who carry the culture of the Quran and who follow the scholars, to revolution leader, and know and are aware of the seriousness and challenges of the stage we are going through.”

He called on the sons of Sa’ada to cooperate with the member of the Supreme Political Council, Muhammad Ali al-Houthi, in solving social issues and existing problems, which is one of the most important responsibilities of all to close the space to the enemy who seeks to target societies by stirring up problems and chaos.

President Al-Mashat directed the Governor of Sa’ada to oblige the directors of the districts to be present among the people and solve their problems, and that all officials be present in their offices, meet with the people and solve their problems.

He addressed all officials, saying, “It is imperative for you to be among the people and meet them, and to work to solve their problems. They deserve to be served by all of them in all the governorates of the Republic of Yemen. We are honored and even worship God for the service of this society.”

He added, “We were avoiding addressing many of the issues, propaganda, and what the media covered in order to preserve the home front, and I said yesterday that we tolerate stabbing in the back because we know that we are facing an enemy. Therefore, we bear all the propaganda and deception that the ears of fools and some agents receive in order to preserve the home front, and not because What is said is true, but rather a lie and forgery, and in front of every lie we have a thousand truths, to refute the lie and slander and reveal the truth.”

He continued by saying, “Perhaps you have recently heard about the issue of revealing the budget before the House of Representatives, which was raised in the media. We in the executive authority refrained from submitting the budget and revealing it before the House of Representatives after we presented the 2019 budget, and it leaked to the Security Council Sanctions Committee within a week of deliver it to the House of Representatives, which we demand to investigate and reveal how it reached the Sanctions Committee, and this was what prevented the 2020 budget from being delivered.”

President Al-Mashat indicated that he directed the Minister of Finance to refrain from submitting it until it is known who is the agent who leaked the information to the Sanctions Committee of the Security Council..and he said, “We did not want to say this in public, but we are forced to do so so that the general public does not believe these lies.”

He stressed that Yemen was under a dirty war at all levels, facing nineteen States and abhorrent aggression in Yemen’s history and the history of wars.

His Excellency the President stressed the importance of everyone being responsible. “You in Sa’ada governorate have the primary responsibility, by presenting the correct, honest and honourable model of men of responsibility and men of faith identity, the primary responsibility of you. Do not hear the snitchs, rabble and the malevolent, we are confronted with the dirtiest aggression that has gone through our country throughout its history. “

“We need to set ranks, unite the word and strengthen trust among ourselves, and you have heard the decision and final word from revolution Leader in the past days, This is our Constitution, which we will walk with the enemy, unless it is known to address the fundamental issues, which, if not resolved, will be resolved by the mouths of missiles and drones. Especially since the Saudi is under American pressure to escape from the humanitarian entitlements in the Yemeni file, even though Saudi Arabia is primarily responsible for the aggression against us, and we do not know anyone but Saudi Arabia, as it is the one who brought this aggression, and it is the one who bears the responsibility for addressing its repercussions and is not exempt from responsibility. He added.

His Excellency the President pointed out that exercising a spirit of responsibility and ensuring unity of speech is the guarantee of achieving complete victory that meets ambitions and aspirations, and equals the great sacrifices that were made for the sake of God, and in the temple of freedom and independence, which was decided by the Yemeni people since the first day of the twenty-first revolution, and standing with the Leader when he declared the revolution against tutelage and occupation and achieving freedom and independence.

He added, “We must continue with the same spirit of faith, patriotic spirit, high morale and confidence, close ranks, and appoint revolution leader until he reaches our country and us all to safety, which is what we hope from God, and hope for under his leadership.”

Source: Yemen News Agency