Ibb governor, deputy minister of local administration and head of resilience program inspect Jableh University and Hospital

Ibb Governor , Abd al-Wahed Salah, the Deputy Minister of Local Administration, Dr. Qassem Ahmed Al-Hamran, and the Head of the National Resilience Program, Major General Qassem Qassem Al-Hamran, inspected today the preparations for starting new academic year at the Jiblah University of Medical and Health Sciences.

Together with them and the President of Jiblah University, Dr. Abdullah Al-Matari, they looked at the university’s halls, facilities, buildings, and laboratories, which include six specializations in the fields of laboratories, nursing, midwifery, medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy.

Ibb governor stressed the importance of completing existing projects at the University of Jableh, to keep pace with developments in university education.

For their part, the Deputy Minister of Local Administration and the head of the National Resilience Program appreciated the efforts of Jableh University and Hospital in providing educational and health services to the community, in line with the goals of the national vision for building the state in the field of higher education and scientific research.

Dr. Al-Matari explained that the university is witnessing the implementation of many projects to complete its infrastructure.

Source: Yemen News Agency