12 Rabi’ al-Awwal memorable day in history of Yemeni people

At your service, O Messenger of God.” With these words, the leader of the revolution concluded his call to the Yemeni people for a grand and honorable outing to commemorate the Prophet’s birthday, and to make the 12th of Rabi’ al-Awwal a Yemeni Muhammadan day par excellence in which the identity.

Indeed, the Yemeni people responded to the call and went out on the twelfth of Rabi’ al-Awwal to commemorate the occasion of the Prophet’s birthday, with crowds of millions of people the likes of which history had never witnessed on such occasions.

In the capital, Sana’a, Al-Sabeen Square and the streets surrounding it were crowded with unprecedented human torrents that poured from all the directorates of the capital and Sana’a governorate, carrying the love of the Prophet in their hearts.

The crowds of millions painted a scene of faith that can only be repeated in the country of faith and wisdom, and by the descendants of the supporters of the Messenger of God, who amaze the world by commemorating this occasion every year.

The crowds that poured into the streets and entrances of the capital towards the celebration square also reflected the most beautiful and greatest images of love.

The celebrating crowds renewed their support and full authorization for the leader of the revolution, al-Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, in what he announced as the first steps for radical change that depends on faith identity and adherence to national.

On the famous Muhammadan day, the capital of history and the beating heart of Yemen became proud, proud, and steadfast in love for the best of God’s creation.

On this great occasion, the Yemenis expressed their pride in celebrating the birth of the Seal of the Prophets and Messengers.

The largest celebration in Al-Sabeen Square embodied the great joy and overwhelming joy in the souls and consciences of the Yemeni people, on the anniversary of the birth of Nour Al-Huda.

The majestic and largest exit in the capital, Sana’a, crowned the momentum of this year’s broad and unprecedented celebrations, the success of the various events and activities and the intense preparations and preparations witnessed by the capital’s secretariat and all its directorates.

With the success of the Greatest Mohammedan Festival, the wonderful and joyful picture drawn by the people in the capital was completed with the momentum of celebrations, the official and popular harmony, and the level of preparations that continued for more than a month.

Source: Yemen News Agency