The people of the directorates of Al-Hodeida province demanded, during protests today after Friday prayers, to unify the position of the Islamic nation in response to the crimes of burning the Noble Qur’an in Sweden.
They also denounced the state of complacency and weakness that prevails in the regimes of a number of Arab and Islamic countries that did not move a finger towards these crimes, which take a dangerous turn in insulting the Book of God, which represents the sanctity and constitution of the nation in the face of its enemies.
Statements issued by the endowments called on the regimes and peoples of the Islamic nation to break the state of silence , adopt unified measures to confront the campaigns of abuse, insults represented by burning Qur’an and declaring the cessation of relations with the abusive countries.
The statement indicated that the boycott weapon for all countries that allow the burning of Holy Qur’an is the best way and the right step to respond to the moral , political decline of Sweden and all Western countries that justify their crimes against Islam with freedom of opinion and expression.
It also called for a broad Islamic awakening and action to discipline all those who persevere and tempt themselves to violate Islamic sanctities.
Source: Yemen News Agency