Regional Workshop in Amman Addresses Illegal Bird Trade

Amman: A regional workshop tackling illegal bird trade and hunting in the Middle East kicked off on Wednesday in Amman, spearheaded by BirdLife International and its associated projects, in collaboration with the International Fund for Animal Welfare.

Attended by representatives from various international organizations, regional countries, and governmental bodies, as well as BirdLife partners, the 2-day workshop aims to address the multifaceted challenges posed by illegal bird trade and hunting in the region.

Key objectives of the workshop include raising awareness about the legislative landscape surrounding illegal bird trade, analyzing the scope and methods employed in this illicit activity, and facilitating knowledge exchange to develop effective strategies for risk reduction.

Discussions will encompass the current status of illegal bird trade in the Middle East and globally, legislative frameworks and enforcement mechanisms in the region, leveraging communication channels for awareness campaigns, and c
rafting national action plans to combat trafficking and illegal hunting activities.

Source: Jordan News Agency

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