Prime Minister, Bisher Khasawneh issued Circular No. (50) of 2021, which was issued based on the provisions of Defense Order No. (32) of 2021.
Under to the circular, facilities that violate health protocols will be allowed to reopen if their violations are rectified.
Following the full text of Circular No. 50:
Issued based on the provisions of Defense Order No. (32) of 2021.
Based on the provisions of Item (11) of Defense Order No. (32) of 2021, I decide to issue the following circular:
First: The text of Paragraph (3) of Item (7) of Defense Order No. (32) of 2021 shall be amended by adding the phrase (and the closed facility will be reopened if the violation is rectified) to the end of it.
Second: The Prime Minister may amend this circular according to circulars he issues for this purpose.
Source: Jordan News Agency