Jordan ranks high in GCI, thanks to Anti-Corruption Commission

Jordan achieved a high rank in the Global Corruption Index (GCI) released by the Global Risk Profile (GRP), a Swiss leading company in compliance services, coming first regionally and 57th globally in a scale of 196 countries across the world.

The Kingdom recorded a low danger level of 38.04 points on a 0-100 scale.

Former minister and international expert on anti-corruption, Muhieddine Touq, said Monday the GRP is the only company that takes into consideration real and perceived corruption cases when calculating the final points, in opposition to the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) released by Transparency International.

Transparency International depends in its measures on people’s perceptions, he said, adding that the GRP relies on announcements by concerned bodies of the cases addressed, success rates, issued verdicts and recoveries.

Touq reaffirmed that recent efforts of the Integrity and Anti-Corruption Commission reflected positively on Jordan’s score, especially that the GRP receives its data from 11 sources, including the United Nations, the Davos Forum, the World Bank and Transparency International.

The GRP, he pointed out, depends in its evaluation on 43 indexes categorized in 4 fields, the first of which is the accreditation of regional and global agreements, where Jordan placed first regionally for its contribution to establishing and announcing the Arab Anti-Corruption and Integrity Network (ACINET).

The second category, he said, is the level of perceived corruption, which is based on reports from Transparency International, the World Bank and the International Judicial Institution, pointing to the positive effect to Jordan’s score of the recent judicial development in Jordan and verdicts issued in corruptions cases, all of which are issued by the Integrity and Anti-Corruption Commission.

In a related context, an official source of the commission said these results came due to the enhanced level of professionalism in the past three years through upgrading its departments, technical units and expertise.

The third category depends on announced corruption in the private and public sectors, which in turn depends on real cases, on the World Bank annotations and on other regulatory bodies.

The fourth category depends on the general administrative and financial environment of countries, particularly on recording citizens’ participation and election date regulations, the Kingdom’s development in the electronic government process, releasing reports of the Audit Bureau, enhancement of financial management, judicial independence and freedom of expression.

Source: Jordan News Agency

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