Jordan joins the world in celebrating the International Ozone Day (IOD), under the slogan “Let’s keep our food and vaccines cold.”
September 16th annually marks the anniversary of signing Montreal Protocol by more than 190 countries in 1987, which sets procedures worldwide to phase out substances that deplete the ozone layer.
In his interview with ” Petra,” on Thursday, Secretary-General of Ministry of Environment, Dr. Mohammad Khashashneh, said the world has so far disposed of 2.5 million tonnes of ozone-depleting substances, while Jordan got rid of 2,000 tonnes.
Khashasneh noted efforts to monitor hydrochlorocarbons under the Montreal Protocol has created obligations on all world countries, which should be met in accordance with timetables.
The official urged donor countries to maintain support to Montreal Fund to help developing countries implement their programmes, plans and strategies.
The protocol’s implementation will contribute to reducing millions of cases of skin cancer and immunodeficiency, increasing health problems and damage to agricultural crops and wildlife, according to Khashasneh.
After Jordan adopted the national strategy to gradually phase-out depleted materials in 2011, which is about to be finished, Montreal Fund Executive Committee agreed to finance the strategy’s second phase at end of 2016, he noted.
Jordan, within the legislation to control the use and import of ozone-depleting substances, was able to fulfill its obligations in accordance with Montreal Protocol requirements to protect the ozone layer, he said.
The official also stressed Ministry of Environment’s role, in cooperation with the concerned authorities, to implement the necessary programs and procedures to shift towards the use of clean energy means to improve efficiency, reduce pollution and take preventive measures to protect the ozone layer.
Jordanian factories and companies, he noted, responded in 2016 to the requirements of the second phase related to implementation of the Montreal Protocol, and nearly 80 industrial and commercial establishments participated in this process.
Source: Jordan News Agency