Energy Ministry signs 2 MoUs to explore rock phosphate, potash…1st, final add

For his part, Khimji hailed Jordanian government for allowing Al Tasnim Enterprises to hold talks to explore raw materials in the Kingdom and sign two agreements for this purpose. Khimji also stressed importance of the “strong” Jordanian-Omani relations, pointing out that this Omani company is implementing various major projects in various sectors. Attention, he noted, is currently shifting to Jordan for mining in phosphate and potash ore, hoping that exploration operations will reach positive outcomes. Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources concluded studies and assessment on phosphate ore in Risha region in the Kingdom’s north-east at the end of 2022. Results of the initial studies showed existence of a geological reserve estimated at about 700 million tonnes of ore, according to a ministry statement. With regard to rock potash ore, the ministry previously contracted an international consulting company specialized in the mining field to re-assess the available data on ore in Lasan area. The company’s studies found “promising and hopeful” results indicating “good” deposits of ore at depths of more than 150-200 meters. Since beginning of 2022, 11 MoUs were signed with multiple mining companies in lithium ores, copper, gold, rare earth elements and phosphates.

Source: Jordan News Agency