Civil Aviation Authority launches second campaign to educate traveling public about their rights

The General Authority of Civil Aviation and Meteorology launched the second national campaign to educate the traveling public about their rights, travel laws and procedures, in order to improve air transport services.

At the launch of the campaign, which will last for a month, the Chairman of the Authority, Dr. Muhammad Abdul Qadir, indicated that the launch of the second phase of the campaign to educate the consumer of air transport services comes after the positive results achieved during the first phase of the campaign launched by the Authority last year.

He stressed the interest of the Authority’s leadership in disseminating and promoting a culture of travel and raising awareness of the public of travelers’ legal obligations and rights during air travel, reflecting the quality of services provided and facilitating any difficulties that the traveler may face.

The agency’s agent Raed Talib Jabal noted that the second phase of the campaign will highlight the general rights and duties of passengers while dealing with airlines and travel agencies.

Through the campaign, the Authority seeks to raise awareness among citizens traveling by air and familiarize them with guidance and advice to follow before and during travel to ensure the safety of their travel.

For his part, the Director of Air Transport at the Authority, Dr. Mazen Ghanem, stressed that the campaign is part of the Authority’s drive to improve the level of services provided to passengers, improve their experience, safeguard their rights and reduce their complaints.

In turn, Sultan Mahdi Faraj, Director of Media, Coordinator of the Campaign, explained that the second phase of the campaign will include awareness messages and guidelines on the procedures and rules of air travel via the official website, social media platforms and audio and written media to achieve the maximum possible dissemination of the campaign in order to contribute to the achievement of its objectives.

Invited tourism and travel agencies and various media to interact with the information disseminated by the Authority and adopt information messages that contribute to promoting community awareness of the procedures and laws of air travel.

Source: Yemen News Agency