Minister of Justice reviews activities of summer courses in capital’s secretariat

The Minister of Justice, Judge Nabil Al-Azzani, and the Undersecretary for the Financial and Administrative Affairs Sector, Judge Ahmed Al-Kuhlani, were briefed on the summer activities in a number of mosques in the Tunis neighbourhood of Al-Thawra district in the capital’s secretariat.

The Minister of Justice and the Undersecretary – in the presence of the directors of all courts – Judge Ismail Al-Mutawakel, Documentation Ahmed Al-Qabblani and Equipment Abdul-Malik Sharaf Al-Din, who are in charge of the summer centers in the mosques of Al-Ansi, Athrab and Al-Adl al-Namuthagi, listened to an explanation about the mechanism for student registration and enrollment in courses, the plan for summer activities and programs for the current year 1444 AH, and the extent of interaction Students with daily activities.

Judge Al-Azzani praised the efforts of the neighborhood leadership and its interest in enhancing the activity of the summer centers to enable the enrollees to benefit from the academic vacation and to embody its noble mission and ideal goal in providing children with religious sciences and Quranic culture.

He emphasized that summer schools are reflected in raising generations, Quranic education, instilling faith-based behaviors, and providing them with the skills of recitation, memorization, the ability to recite, and the arts of the Arabic language that are commensurate with their age levels, in a way that contributes to building the Muslim personality and a good citizen in the future.

He urged the Minister of Justice to continue pushing parents to enroll their children in these centers in order to immunize them culturally and cognitively by diversifying activities, scientific and cultural programmes, creative competitions, theater arts and rhetoric.

Source: Yemen News Agency