Gov’t endorses measures to curb prices hike of basic commodities, 1st add

On the other hand, the Council of Ministers decided to approve the agreement to be signed between the Ministry of Health and Sinopharm Company to supply 300,000 doses of the Covid-19 vaccine.

The cabinet mandated the Minister of Health to sign the agreement, which comes within the framework of the government’s efforts to provide sufficient quantities of vaccines from multiple sources in order to immunize society against the Coronavirus pandemic.

In addition, the government decided to approve a draft law amending the Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances Law of 2021 in order to overcome the practical problems that hinder the application of some provisions of the law by detailing the criminal acts in the law and tightening penalties prescribed for these acts according to the gravity of the act.

The draft law comes to align the provisions of the law with the social, economic and technical transformations in the Kingdom to ensure the prohibition of manufacturing narcotics, psychotropic substances and chemical precursors for non-medical or scientific purposes and to expand the scope of control and criminalization of the use of chemicals from which narcotics or psychotropic substances can be made, as well as criminalizing the exchange of narcotic substances, whether in exchange of money or for free.

The draft law also comes to introduce detailed legislative texts regarding the criminalization of possession of any narcotic substance or plant, or psychotropic substances, and to criminalize the resistance of officials in charge of implementing the provisions of the law in any form, and to toughen the penalty for it according to the nature of the act.

The draft law expands the scope of powers with regard to confiscating illegal materials and the power to impose precautionary seizure on the funds of others if it is found that these funds were obtained as a result of committing any of the acts stipulated in the law.

The draft law also criminalizes the use of the information network or any information system or means of dissemination or media to incite illegal dealing with narcotics, psychotropic substances or preparations or their circulation, or encourage or support their illegal activities or facilitate their spread.

Source: Jordan News Agency

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