Federation of Arab News Agencies conference wraps up

The Federation of Arab News Agencies (FANA) concluded its 48th General Assembly held in Riyadh Wednesday evening.

During the two-day meeting, the General Assembly approved a Saudi proposal regarding global media platforms’ censorship of Arab news agencies’ content, especially news items covering the Palestinian cause. To that end, the assembly agreed to draw up a memorandum to submit it to the Media Department of the Arab League to be presented it to the Arab Ministers of Media at the 52nd session, which will be held later this year.

The conference, which was held under the slogan “The Role of News Agencies in Combating False News,” brought together the news agencies of Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Oman, Kuwait, Lebanon, Iraq, Mauritania, Yemen, Qatar, Palestine and Libya.

Representatives of Arab news agencies also approved the formation of a committee to improve the federation in line with developments in the media field and implement the activities decided by the General Assembly each year. Palestine was chosen the chairman of the committee and Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Libya and Lebanon were selected as members.

The participants stressed the need to focus on holding specialized media courses to develop human resources and other technological courses tailored specifically to agencies’ senior staff. They also agreed to hold several training workshops for editors and photographers of member agencies.

During the conference, Jordan’s Minister of State for Media Affairs and former Director General of the Jordan News Agency (Petra), Faisal Shboul, was honored for his role in supporting the FANA. Director General of the Agency, Fayeq Hijazin, received an honorary shield on behalf of the minister.

Source: Jordan News Agency