Vice President of Yarmouk University for Academic Affairs, Dr. Mosa Rababa’, on Thursday received European Union Ambassador to Jordan, Pierre-Christophe Chatzisavas, and his accompanying delegation. During the meeting, Rababa’ noted the university’s academic cooperation with European Union countries is “rich” and saw scientific cooperation, academic and student exchange, and multiple research projects. He added that this cooperation stems from the university’s vision aimed to achieve open research, scientific, academic and cultural cooperation globally and reflects this goal on its educational process by providing opportunities for student and faculty exchange. In this regard, he referred to EU “Erasmus Plus” Programme for student exchange, enhancement and capacity building. For his part, Chatzisavas pointed to the “deep-rooted” relations between Jordan and various EU countries, stressing the EU embassy’s interest to building bridges of cooperation with the Kingdom at the economic, cultural, academic and political levels, to meet common ambitions and needs. He also stressed importance of cooperation with the university, which has graduated “distinguished” generations of Jordanian youth, who proved their excellence in several fields at the international level. During a meeting with a group of Yarmouk University students, Chatzisavas lauded interest of Jordanian universities to benefit from the long- and short-term grants provided by European “Erasmus Plus” Programme. The ambassador answered the students’ inquiries about the possibility of increasing scholarships offered to the university’s students, to include a greater number of specializations and role of the EU embassy in this context.
Source: Jordan News Agency