Deal signed to provide loans for 750 university students

Jordan’s Hayat Educational Fund (HEF) and the International Islamic Charitable Organization (IICO) in Kuwait signed an agreement on Tuesday to provide loans to more than 750 Jordanian students. The deal was inked by IICO Jordan Office Director Mustafa Awwad and HEF’s Administration Body Secretary Ibrahim Bayoudh, in the presence of Chargé d’affaires at the Kuwaiti embassy in Amman Mubarak Al-Hajri. Bayoudh said the maximum amount of the zero-interest loans is JD1,000 and with low installments, adding that students in in various Jordanian universities or colleges can benefit from the loans. He thanked Kuwait for its support of “such important humanitarian initiatives” that enable students to pursue their studies and be productive members of society. Awwad said it is a revolving loan, meaning once a student pays back the amount, the money will be given to another student and so on to benefit as msny students as possible. During the ceremony, several students spoke about their experiences with the Fund and the support they received.

Source: Jordan News Agency