Exporting Jordanian services to the U.S. represents a substantial opportunity to the Kingdom’s economic prosperity, mainly with regard to the digital economy in which Jordan is advanced, said President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Jordan (AmCham), Muhammad Batayneh.
Speaking to Petra, Batayneh indicated that the Jordan-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (FTA) provides the Kingdom with cutting-edge access for global markets, funding as well as science and technology exchanging.
“The Jordan-U.S. trading volume during the first third of this year amounted to about $1.2 billion, with an over 800% increase in bilateral trade. Despite this, Jordan still has many scopes to be exploited through being aware of the US market’s standards and further promoting national products.” he added.
Batayneh emphasized that in order to make the most of the FTA, a comprehensive campaign on the needs of the U.S. market shall be conducted, along with workshops implemented in partnership with companies that export to the States, and exhibitions to facilitate networking with American buyers.
For her part, CEO of AmCham-Jordan Rose Alissi said that Jordanian companies enjoy multiple opportunities in the US market, primarily in the industrial sector such as food products, detergents, and furniture, along with engineering industries and information technology services.
AmCham-Jordan includes an FTA Unit. Established in 2017 with support from the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Jordan Competitiveness Program (JCP), the FTA Unit acts as the national focal point serving Jordanian and American businesses to better understand and utilize the trade and investment opportunities made available under the Jordan-U.S. FTA and the Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT).
Source: Jordan News Agency