Ministry of Agriculture and Mercy Corps (MC) on Tuesday signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to develop agricultural practices, support small farmers, and expand scope of Agricultural Extension Directorate’s activities, to benefit about 150 local farmers by providing guidance, training, and expertise.
According to a ministry statement Tuesday, the memo, which was signed by the Minister of Agriculture, Khaled Hneifat and MC country director, Darius Radcliffe, is part of the project to support Jordan’s agricultural services and small-scale farmers, currently implemented by Mercy Corps in Jordan, as an initiative aimed at enabling Jordanian farmers to overcome challenges and adopt sound agricultural practices.
Mercy Corps noted the memo seeks to strengthen Agricultural Extension Directorate’s capabilities, provide it with tools and knowledge to better serve Jordan’s agricultural community, and focus efforts on soil health, organic fertilization, supplementary irrigation, and providing field support.
The project to support Jordan’s agricultural services and small-scale farmers aims to strengthen the Kingdom’s agricultural sector and improve income opportunities and long-term resilience for small farmers in the governorates of Balqa, Irbid, Ajloun, and the northern and central Jordan Valley, the statement said.
This project is implemented by Mercy Corps, in partnership with Vale Consulting and Training and the Wageningen Research Center and funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Additionally, the organization said it looks forward to joining forces with Ministry of Agriculture to achieve a “lasting” impact on Jordan’s agricultural sector, support farmers in adopting sustainable practices and contribute to advancement and prosperity of rural communities.
Source: Jordan News Agency